Author Archives: Adarsh K

What Does Asbestos Look Like?

Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that comes in different colors and takes different structural forms. Six types of asbestos became commonly used in the 20th century, though at least a hundred other asbestiform minerals are found in nature.
It is resistant to heat, electricity and chemical reaction. It fireproofs and strengthens, prevents chemical combustion and generally makes products

Asbestos in construction. What you need to know.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was mined and incorporated into products to make them stronger and fireproof. It made products safer by preventing fire, but it unfortunately causes deadly health effects, including malignant mesothelioma and pulmonary disease.
The construction industry used asbestos more than any other industry by making thousands of products with asbestos. Other

4 ways managers can prepare for pregnancy in the workplace

As a manager, pregnancy in the workplace can either seem like a big challenge or maybe it isn’t even on your radar; but it does mean having to make changes and preparations ahead of time. It means having to rethink your work environment, reassess how jobs are done, the office layout, delegation of tasks and

Tech Excellence Awards 2016

A great night was had by all at the Tech Excellence awards in Dublin. The excitement was hard to contain for many as host Matt Cooper’s voice boomed through the dining room announcing the nominees…and then boom!…the winners.
Olive Learning were thrilled we could be there and show our support as one of

Olive Group opens new office in India’s Technopark

Olive Group is pleased to announce that we have opened a new office in Kerala, India. The move is part of our ongoing expansion in the learning tech and rich-media sectors. Olive already employs more than 175 people worldwide and we will be creating additional roles in India in the areas of production, finance, service,

How managers can solve the workplace claims epidemic

According to the Irish injuries Board the number of Personal injuries claims is increasing every year. The cost of claims has risen by 250% from €115 million in 2006 to just over €281 million in 2014.
The Injuries Board has reported that there were 17,132 new claims made in the first six months of 2015

Olive Learning 10/10 – eLearning Superstars

Elearning Superstars have awarded Olive Learning 10/10 across the board for our Tesco contractor compliance platform.
“A comprehensive, smart and creative design that takes into account the importance of marketing the learning. An all-round  winner in our eyes.”
Read the full review here.

The 4 Biggest Myths of Video Learning

The phenomenal growth of online video learning has opened up a world of potential to L&D professionals. Many businesses are now transforming their content, while others raise concerns around its implementation. Video are not the panacea, but this article looks to bust some of the myths associated with video in learning.
Over the last few

Why eLearning is revolutionising hospitality training

The hospitality industry operates has many challenges when it comes to training: high staff-turnover, ever-changing compliance legislation and a customer-centric focus. So how do you train every member of staff to the same high standard so that customers and clients receive a consistently great experience every time?
With eLearning of course! Hospitality staff need

Can your restaurant afford a €3.8 million fine?

A case study undertaken by the HSA has found that the average annual cost of workplace injuries to Irish  business lies at around €52,000, and can rise up to and above €3.8 million per case. This figure excludes productivity losses in most cases.
The restaurant industry employs over 64,000 people in Ireland. With so

Olive Learning number 4 in “Top Businesses to Watch ”

If you didn’t already know it, we had a great time at Learning Technologies 2016. Turns out the visitors had a great time on our stand too! The pollster from Now Monday conducted an exit poll of hundreds of visitors and we were Number 4 in the “Ones to Watch” category and made it to

Review of Learning Technologies 2016

This year’s Learning Technologies trade show has gone down a treat with us and those we spoke to at the show; a fantastic turnout of over 250 exhibitors and 7,500 visitors. Olive Learning’s CEO Brendan Kavanagh delivered a stand out talk dispelling the myths and misconceptions surrounding the use of interactive video in elearning and

Cheating in ELearning. 7 things HR professionals need to know.

Cheating is a topic those who are new to ELearning will often raise. Do staff really do the training they’re allocated, how can you prevent fraud, and is it not just “click-click-click….”? When you are investing in a new way of doing training across your company you’ll want to make sure that the content

How Interactive Video is Transforming Learning

If you want to learn how to tie a bow or bake a cake chances are your first stop will be YouTube. If you disagree with that, you might be in the minority who still prefer learning through text, imagery and diagrams. Today 55% of millennials (those born after 1980-00s) choose video over text online,

RAI and Olive Learning partner to launch digital training packages for RAI members

The Restaurant Association of Ireland and Olive Learning have partnered to launch a new online training platform, available for purchase by all association members. Typically a digital training platform saves over 50% in direct training costs and 80% in time spent learning, in comparison to other methods of training, such as classroom-based.
RAI’s training platform

Olive Learning to unveil Oculus Rift for eLearning at LT2016

New wave of virtual reality (VR) applications to be showcased at Learning Technologies 2016 allow L&D professionals to deliver a cost-effective and truly immersive learning experience for employees.
Dublin, Ireland (13/1/15) – Olive Learning, a global content and learning platforms developer, announced that it will showcase its new Oculus Rift for eLearning solutions at

Olive Learning and Tesco triumph at E-Learning Awards

Olive Learning is proud to announce that it received the ‘Silver’ trophy at this year’s E-Learning Awards Gala for the Tesco digital academy project. There were over 400 entrants from around the world competing for the coveted awards, with submissions whittled down to just 140 projects on the night. Olive Learning were shortlisted in two

Oculus Rift – The Future of Learning Web Summit 2015

Described last year as “bigger than almost anything we’ve seen or maybe anything we’ve seen in the past” Oculus VR were back again this year. Palmer Luckey co-founder and chief technology officer gave us his insight into how he sees oculus and virtual reality shaping the future of learning:
“the best way to learn is not

Asbestos Awareness Infographic

Asbestos is a mineral which has been used widely throughout history gaining momentum during the industrial revolution. Asbestos fibres could be found in everything from roofing to crayons until it was discovered how harmful the mineral was to people’s health. While most developed countries have banned the use of asbestos over the past 10-20 years

How bite-sized video is transforming global ELearning

We are really pleased with the phenomenal response we have had following the launch of our new brand Olive Learning a few weeks ago. With over ten years experience in the compliance sector, we have introduced a highly professional “video-first, text-second” approach to creating truly engaging digital training solutions . This is a platform designed

Olive Learning shortlisted for E-Learning Awards

The 2015 E-Learning Awards shortlist has just been announced and we’re delighted to see our name up there in two categories. It’s more competitive than ever, with 400 entries from across the globe whittled down to just 145 shortlisted nominees across 19 categories. Competing against some excellent co-nominees, Olive Learning is up for two awards

Olive Learning launches bite-sized, video ELearning applications for blue-collar & service industries

Olive Group, a global provider of media and training solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of its new brand, Olive Learning. Olive Learning is the new name for the group’s dedicated learning and development business unit that will provide “bite-sized” video content via its award-winning Learning Management System (LMS) platform, AcademyHQ™. Additional services include

Olive Group recognised at Tech Excellence Awards

Olive Group is delighted to have been shortlisted for the Tech Excellence Awards 2015 under the Mobile Technology Project of the Year. Our collaboration with Tesco in rolling out a number of health and safety induction courses to thousands of learners was recognised at the event.
We are also very pleased to have sponsored

The Olive Group Opens New training & Digital Media Hub

The Olive Group Opens New training & Digital Media Hub
The Olive Group is delighted to announce that it has expanded its operations and has opened a new training and development centre beside the Red Cow. We have moved to a new premises next door to our previous premises in a bid to offer more

Olive Group at the IITD Awards

Olive Group was shortlisted for the Most Innovative Use of Technology Award in the IITD National Training Awards 2015 in Dublin on March 6th. The Irish Institute of Training and Development (IITD) National Training Awards highlight the importance of training and development in today’s business climate and promote excellence, best practice and innovation in learning,

When Classroom Training Goes Wrong

The curious case of slideshows, DVD’s and the paper box
In a recent high court case regarding employee health and safety in Ireland, the plaintiff was awarded €85,000. The case arose from an incident involving Dunnes Stores, a large Irish retail chain, and one of its employees. In short, the employee lifted a box while

The Importance of Induction Training

First days are always tough no matter what the occupation. We can all remember the sleepless night-before, the nerve wrecking thoughts. We as people are not favourable to change and starting something new is always daunting.
However, the transition into a job for your new employees can be made easier with online induction training. Some

5 Tips For Effective Storyboarding

Storyboarding? Wait, what is that again? story-boardA storyboard is a sequence of sketches which tells us a story – generally planned for film production. If you’re making a storyboard for film production, you are more than likely going to be using some form of multimedia i.e. video, text, images, graphics, audio, where these components will

Can e-Learning Work For You and Your Employees?

Learning and staff training is undergoing a revolution. e-learning-blogAs much of our daily lives move into the digital arena, education and staff training is making a similar transition but, is it effective?
The short answer to this question is yes. If e-learning courses are designed and used correctly then they can offer many advantages